Open source is source code that is made freely available for possible modification and redistribution. Products include permission to use the source code, design documents, or content of the product.

I have not understood the value of this for the longest of time.

Well, of course I wouldn't. I'm barely a teenager so why would a 7 year old on its family computer care that Windows XP is a proprietary operating system? It was easy, it was fun, and you had a huge selection of entretainment like watching toy reviews on youtube and playing games on My dad also used to play solitare all the time, and I've learnt the rules from him, but now he lacks the need of a personal computer because all of the computing he needs can be done on a smartphone.

It would be best to start speaking about my earliest experiences with open source software before I ramble about games like solitare, minesweeper, and sudoku. I think my first indirect intro to open source anything was blender. Yeah, it's probably one of the, if not THE most well known open source software for the general computer user. And for good reason, it is used extensively in professional enviorments. I've heard many things about it. I've tried using the new and improved grease pencil and the 2D inviorment (inspired by Worthikids' tutorial on YouTube) but it didn't take long until I just stopped. I'm not much of a worker. Or a person. I like theory rather than practice but that's on me.

My second application that was melted into my conciousness was HandBrake. Yes! What a peculiar program this (now, probably) 10 year old was using! Well, if any of you were 10 years old and downloaded pirated software like it was nobody's business, you might be able to piece this together. Do not let my crude self-portrait on the top-left corner fool you, I have plenty of experience with art. Silly old me used to pirate Adobe Animate (one of the only things I have done as a toddler that I am still proud for to this day) but I had no idea how to export my animations to a distributable format. I didn't have Adobe Media Encoder after all (eugh, disgusting). So I used HandBrake to convert my SWF files to MP4 most likely.

It's getting late and I'm getting sleepy. I should also get ready for school tomorrow. Wow, it's been a while since I've been there. I might continue this story later.

Might also start compiling all of the open source software that I have found so far. But do remember that all of this is a work of my own want rather than need, and you might have to wait longer than the regularly shceduled top 10s or whatever people watch to get their information. Are there comercial blogs? I mean the nature of a blog is to be a log of... something. Does it have to be personal?

Okay. Did a quick search. Many businessess have blogs to update the audience of their general doings. Also blog is short for "web log". Hm. Might do something funny with this.
